Monday, July 5, 2010

5 Days Till Ellie Leaves for Branson

I dont know what I am fussing over. Fred is flying Ellie up and back to Branson. Ellie will be with her second family while away. They take excellent care of our girl. They have always been a part of her life since she came home from China.

Still I worry. Always worrying.

I have just finished cleaning (gutting) the girls room as I do every 6 months. I like to establish what clothes and toys they have. So Ellie has what she needs for her trip to Missouri Saturday.

Sagan and I went to GapKids yesterday and I attacked the sales rack. I am probably going to go to another GapKids today at 10am to see what I can find there. Ellie is growing so fast that her shirts must be a size 8 now. We probably only have 6-8 shirts for her. I would like her to be with me when I shop. She is so easy to buy for but she likes to look too. I bought her 4 shirts (Graphic T's), a dress, and 2 pairs of fun flip flops. She doesn't wear dress shoes or sandals like Sagan. She likes flip flops. So I took advantage of the sale. She loved them.

This is the dress I knew she would love. She loves blue. It floats about her like a dream. It's really a beautiful dress on her.

These are one of the sparkly flip flops (5.00 each) from the Gap. The other pair are purple with a purple butterfly attached to the toe. Really sweet.

We have her suitcase ready and her busy bag for the plane. I really wish we had kept this trip a secret so we could have surprised her but I really wanted to make sure she wanted to go somewhere. She has been very attached to being home this summer. She is content to do Dreambox Learning, her workbooks, and have lunch with us. Sagan is in camp from 9-1pm. She cannot last all day at home without 2-3 time outs. Its best for her that she goes to camp.