Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ok, So What is the Record for Time Outs in a Day?

I think Sagan is really working hard to break the record.

Yesterday, she called Ellie a terrible name. Time out! (Also, lost her costumes, dolls, and puzzles for 2 days)

Today, Sagan had a great day. Then said to Ellie. "Let me give this coupon to you. It says I do not love you and I never want to hug you again." WHO SAYS THAT??? TIME OUT! (No skirts, dresses, or sleeping on the floor for 2 days)

This morning she was in time out for lying. She knows how to tell the truth and we coach her to encourage her to say truthful things. She knows if you tell the truth the first time there is no punishment no matter how bad the action is. We will talk but no punishment. Sagan played with my shoes and left my closet in disarray. I asked her this morning to please put my shoes back in rows. A few minutes later I saw her and asked if the task was complete. After prompting her2-3 times if she was SURE the job was done I went into the closet. She did nothing. TIME OUT!
(I told her teacher of her lying. The ULTIMATE in humiliation.)

Any suggestions?


ragrag said...

Where do I begin. As Director of the Giardino Academy Yearning for Well Adjusted Youths (GAYWAY), I have watched from afar as the Zanegood School for Better Babies claimed to have cornered the market on good child rearing. We now see that replaying scenes from Mommy Dearest on a constant loop within your home only breeds contempt in children and results in the parents being placed in a substandard nursing home once they hit 55. It is our philosophy that every child should embrace their inner liar. If you are going to lie, why not be the best liar you can be. Mind you, if you are going to lie, you better do it right and not get caught or we will beat the snot out of you. Problem Solved.

The Zanegood Family said...

That coming from an ATTORNEY!