Monday, March 29, 2010

Ellie's MRI Is Today

Today is Bella's MRI and I am surprisingly calm. The MRI is not a big deal really but its the sedation I worry about. She is 6 years old (7 in two weeks) and she will be taking valium. Her other MRI's they put her under with gas/IV. So this should be easier. I just don't want her to feel scared. If I begin to panic I will cry. Then she will cry and it will just be an unholy mess.

Dr. Dahan is looking for a reason for her headaches. We believe she had a petit-mal seizure a few weeks ago in class. She was spacing out and we were contacted. Ms. Safford watched her very carefully and noticed she was not right. Ellie loves school and loves doing classwork but she was unable to do much of anything that morning. It was a point of concern. We went to see our neurologist, Dr. Dahan, the next morning.

I will fill you all in later on how it goes.

Tonight Ellie will pick a special dinner. We told her she can pick any restaurant she desires and we will take her there. Right now its Macaroni Grill but it might change.