Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Working Hard From Panera!

Alas it is only Tuesday and I am not enjoying a bagel today. Just coffee.

I partake in just one bagel each week if I can help it. Carbs are my enemy. Coming off the most stressful week, Pre-MRI terrors, with little sleep and the desire for a glass of wine each day to taper off the anxiety I felt about Bella helped to fill out my figure. I am going to be very good till the weekend when we all go south for a visit. Pauline, my sister in law, is not to be refused when she holds up a bottle of Merlot. She also has a very heavy hand when she pours. I adore her heavy hand LOL!

I am working hard today from Panera. I will work till noon and then again from 7-10pm supporting my lovely Instructional Leaders. I love FLVS and the flexibility it affords. I will spend the afternoon enjoying the company of my little Asian maffia. We have the dentist and Ellie has asked to go and buy Easter candy. (It's Passover...we are Jewish....but you say PEEPS (Marshmallow chicks) and I will jump! BTW I bite the ears off first. YUMMY PEEPS!) So we will go to Target and buy some yummy pastel confections. Anything for my little brave girl.

At dinner, Macaroni Grill, yesterday Sagan was so charming. She was smiling and chatting with the hostess and the server, Angie, she was just oozing sweet little girl charm and they were all enraptured. I will have to watch out for her when she is of dating age. Poor boys.


David Good said...

But Jeanne, that is what makes little girls so charming to little boys. I personally think that it is a genetic hard coding; Max and Noah respond better to pretty girls.

I find it quite interesting that they are so blatant about it. For two little boys who have the shortest attention spans on record, it is quite stunning how well they can focus when a pretty girl is involved. We have experimental evidence for this. We had two different respite workers visit while Robin and I went out. One was an older black lady, the other was an attractive, red haired, graduate student. Guess which one they wanted back? };-)

Yep, my boys are all man.