Friday, August 12, 2011

How would you describe?

I had to do this little family project and thought to ask the family how they would describe each other. It was a real treat! We went around the kitchen table and gave a limit of no more then 7 adjectives for the person. The person being described could not participate but merely listen.

Daddy was easy. The girls came up with 20 great adjectives but we settled on 5 that really did him justice.

Ellie was also easy. Sagan was amazingly positive during this time. She thought of great words that described Bella.

Sagan was a challenge. We opted to stay positive! We came up with 20 again for her, but narrowed it down to 7.

When it was time to describe Mommy....Fred went silent at first. I burst out laughing. I told him. Go ahead. Hit me! He came up with "selfless, conservative and type A. Sagan did "Supermommy" and Ellie thought "Creative, teacher and learner."

All in all a fun family exercise!


ragrag said...

Oh the many words that describe Jeanne......The memories are flooding through my mind (or I am having a stroke). As I am her brother, I have a unique perspective on her many fine and not so fine attributes. But, lets start with the positive; Strong, Smart, Savvy, Kind, Generous, Tenacious, Compassionate. As for the negative (this may take a while and I am not sure how much space I get to comment on this blog)given that this is a family blog I will simply use the first letter of the word I have chosen. Lets start with "B" (if I knew how to increase the font size on this darn thing the letter would be much larger) then there is "S" (I was there for the teenage years) then we move on to "M" (I guess the modern word is bi-polar or menopause)and then there is "O/C" (very much a Giardino family trait) and let us conclude with "C" (now before you gasp,the word you think I am thinking of is not the word I am thinking of. The fact that you assumed that I meant that word means you likely feel that way yourself and therefore that is your opinion, not mine. Not that I would strenuously argue to the contrary)