Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why I Like Blogging More Then Facebook

As many of you know I gave up on Facebook in January only to pop on to announce important family events. There were many reasons why Facebook had lost its appeal to me. Not one reason was more important then the other but still shutting down my page really helped me focus more on my work.

Why do I like blogging more then Facebook?

Length of expression. I love to write. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I enjoy the details and images I can evoke from the written word. I bought a MAC for my 39th birthday to inspire my writing (have I used it ..... maybe just once in the last year) but I use my PC most of the day to blog.

Facebook was good to keep contacts but it was not feeding my passion. I did not know how much I missed blogging until I turned off my FB. I did not want to keep the FB page going when I could devote my heart and soul to my blog.

It's fun and I love it.