Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Google Analytics

Have you ever heard of Google Analytics? It's the cats meow!

Google analytics is just the end all be all for bloggers.It's a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website. Its main highlight is that the product is aimed at marketers as opposed to webmasters and technologists from which the industry of web analytics originally grew. It is the most widely used website statistics service, currently in use at around 57% of the 10,000 most popular websites.

This allows me to see who is visiting my blog.

For example:

I know my cousins in Kissimmee, Florida visit often each day. I can tell which pages they are reading and for how long.

I can determine from this data that I had 26 hits to my site yesterday. As a group 77 pages were viewed and the average time on the site was about 5 minutes. When I provide links to other sites (Young chefs academy) I can tell WHO is accessing those links. Neat huh?

This chart is the one where I spend most of my time. I see who is accessing the blog. I can click on the state (highlighted) and find out what city the visitors are coming from. It also gives me the specific visit data. How long they stayed, what they clicked, how many pages they browsed.

I know who is on my site and I love it. Thank you for visiting!